Thursday, January 18, 2007


Hello Gentle Reader, I am a host of The Squatting Gringo. Our mission: to inform, educate, and share information regarding the best and worst public restrooms around the country. The rating system will be based on whether the restroom is: Pooping Friendly, Peeing Friendly, or Run Like Hell.

Pooping Friendly: The restroom is suitable to place your butt on or near the toilet for pooping.

Peeing Friendly: The restroom is perfectly adequate for peeing, but I wouldn't put my ass anywhere near the toilet.

Run Like Hell: The restroom is not safe to expose any sensitive body part in or around. Not even safe to wash your hands. Buy Purelle Now! Use your foot to open the door, run like hell!

We will give each restroom a general review as well as location, followed by our friendly rating system.

This calling came from another calling whilst driving back to Indiana from Florida. The Driver of our van had to go boom-boom exceptionally badly. He didn't want to just go any where, but the situation became grave. We finally settled on a British Petrol/Stuckey's in Southern Georgia. I must tell you it was one of the weirdest gas stations I have been to for a long time. The place was replete with knock off clothing and chintz. It looked like they had been feeding off of truck drivers at night and stealing their loads. The place looked like a showroom for a third rate carnival.

The bathroom had two urinals ans one toilet in one room with no partitions between them. The sink only half worked, being the "hot" water faucet. My friend lifted the lid of the toilet only to find 12 pounds of unflushed contiguous turd. Needless to say he decided on alternate accommodations. 15 Minutes up the highway, the neighborhood Appleby's contained the porcelain alter of goodness.

The exact locations are to follow, and will be updated post haste.


The Squatting Gringo

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